Comprehensive Assessment $225 ($100 Follow-up)

Assessment: 90 min

Iridology Assessment $50

The Iris contains unique features that allow us to analyze the body's past, current status, and potential unhealth. It provides markers and clues for issues we may struggle with or things we may have inherited. We are able to take these clues and maintain health or prevent unhealth. This is not a diagnostic tool or way to name disease. It simply tells us what systems need extra support. We do this by taking a close-up picture of the iris and looking for the markers. We can then use herbs, vitamins, minerals, or homeopathic remedies to support the areas of struggle.  

 30-40 min

Meridian Stress Analysis $150 ($100 Follow-up)

Meridian Stress analysis  is a tool that uses the Traditional Chinese Meridian system theory to determine energetic imbalances. By looking at the energy of a system we are able to see the dissonance causing symptoms that may have been overlooked or unseen by typical blood work. 

60-90 min (Initial appointment)  30-60 min (follow-up)

Toxin Testing $75

Our bodies take on toxins that are all arounds us: in our food, our beauty products, the air we breath, the pesticides we use in the garden, and many more. If we have a healthy terrain, our bodies can usually handle toxins and process them out. However,  in today's climate of busyness and convenience, we tend to take on more than we can handle. This is when we should take a close look at what our body might be struggling with and give it support. With the MSA we determine the type of toxic load we are carrying and find the best way to balance it. 

30 min

Allergy and Sensitivity Testing $75

Allergies have become a very common problem that cause us to avoiding some of our favorite foods or activities, or settling with itching rashes or sleepless nights.  Discovering what our body is sensitive to, we can either teach it to respond properly, or stop with the guessing games and actually avoid the specific things that are causing inflammation.


30 min

Weight Loss Scan $100

We will find the best weight loss remedies for YOUR specific body. We look at what kind of workout program suits your body type, what types of food are hindering your success, and look into the hormone systems that may be making weight loss difficult.  Everything from food, emotions, hormones, or deficiencies can be playing  a part in your health journey.

   30-45 min