My Story

I always think it's interesting, the roads we travel to end up where we are. So often we question why we are going through certain struggles, or why did this have to happen to me? Here is a little bit of my story that led me to where I am today.

After five years of marriage, my husband and I had decided it was time for a baby. So excited to start on the adventure, we ditched the birth control and started tracking. I missed my first cycle after two months, tested, and found it negative. I missed my second cycle the next month, tested, and found it negative. This continued for a while until I stopped cycling completely for about a year. I saw one doctor who suggested I go back on birth control to regulate my hormones, but everything in me said that wasn't the right way to go. A friend of mine referred me to a Holistic practitioner who worked with bioenergetic scanning.

I decided to see what she had to say and after one visit, was hooked. She could explain more about what was going on with my body than the doctor had cared to figure out. In one visit, she gave me several recommendations to get my health, both overall and reproductive, headed in the right direction.

After one week on the right nutrients, my body corrected other problems I had struggled with since I was in 5th grade though, unrelated to infertility. A few months later, with regulated hormones, we were pregnant (and had 3 more healthy pregnancies in the following years).

 In  2016, while balancing motherhood and in-home child care, I started school to earn my certification as a CNHP (Certified Natural Health Professional) and CHHP (Certified Holistic Health Practitioner). That brings me to today, with an in-home practice and 4 beautiful children. 

It has been such an exciting journey of education, application, healing, and health. 

Our bodies were created to heal themselves, and we have to stop settling for feeling "okay", break out of the "norm", and feel GOOD.

The Goal: Balance

When  talking to people about what I do, I like to present it like this: We have several systems in our bodies; skeletal, lymphatic, circulatory, etc. Included in those systems, is the energetic system. Often this one is overlooked but it can play a significant role in our physical health. It is often the source of those mysterious aches and pains that never have an explanation. Emotions also play a big part in our physical health and we don't always recognize it. So many of the issues we face today can be remedied naturally either with lifestyle and diet change or proper detox and draining if we are able to find the source of the problem.

Meridian Stress Analysis

In the Comprehensive Assessment, we will go over iridology; pH and digestion; emotional balance and Bach remedies; and, finally, a Qest4 assessment. This last evaluation will  really pull everything together.

The Qest4 is a very new, very exciting addition to my practice. Its software allows me to evaluate the parameters of energetic health, using information gathered through its hardware system via painless, non-intrusive handheld electrodes.

A majority of individuals who visit any general practice are suffering from what is known as a functional disturbance. In simple terms, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or traditional pathological diagnostic testing. However, the patient continues to experience multiple symptoms. Where traditional approaches fall short, the Qest4 system introduces a new perspective, effectively utilizing your body’s own energy with the technology of bioenergetic screening.


Iridology was my favorite thing to study in school because it really is the window into your story. Which is exactly what it does. The iris, with its many fibers, pigments, and crypts, can tell us the potential health concerns specific to your body. Whether it be genetic or something from the past, we can learn so many ways to support your health and work to prevent disease through nutrition and lifestyle habits.